Saturday, January 3, 2015

CROWDTAP SAMPLING: Kleenex® Anti-Viral* Tissues & Kleenex® Tissues with Lotion

I received these to sample and I have got to say that the timing couldn't be better. With all this crazy NYC weather these were perfect for my runny nose.

Kleenex® Anti-Viral* Tissues: VERY durable with 3 layers vs the normal 2. I'm not sure about how "anti-viral" the tissues really are but I DO know that my hands didn't get wet when blowing my nose and my nose didn't get raw/red after multiple uses.

Kleenex®  Tissues with Lotion: I've always loved Puffs Aloe tissues and these are even better! LOVE THEM!

Here's a link for an exclusive coupon for Kleenex® Brand Tissues!